Overview of k23's Architecture

k23 has 3 main components: The bootloader that is responsible for loading the kernel, the kernel itself, which is the main operating system, and the WASM runtime, which is responsible for running WebAssembly programs. The last two components are highly intertwined by design.


The bootloader is responsible for loading the kernel, verifying its integrity, decompressing it and setting up the necessary environment. That means collecting earyl information about the system, setting up the stack for each hart, setting up the page tables, and finally jumping to the kernel's entry point.

The bootloader has to be generic over the payloads it accepts, since the kernel is not the only thing that can be loaded. When running tests, each test is compiled as a separate binary and ran in separate VMs. The bootloader has to be able to load these binaries as well.

For this, payloads can declare their entry points and a few options through the loader_api crates #[entry] macro. The bootloader then uses this information to set up the environment for the payload. This macro also enforces a type signature for the entry point, which means that payloads can completely forgo the usual assembly tramploines and just declare a Rust function as their entry point.


The kernel is relatively minimal at the moment, and as a microkernel will likely stay that way. Much of the kernels functions, such as memory management, syscalls etc. are implemented in the runtime. This leaves only the most basic functions in the kernel, such as interrupt handling, physical memory management and the like.

WASM Runtime

The WASM runtime is the heart of k23, it is responsible for running WebAssembly programs. It is not a standalone crate, but implemented as part of the kernel since it is so core to the system. The runtime uses the wasmparser and cranelift crates to parse and compile the WASM programs.

Currently, the runtime is quite simple, it only supports the most basic WASM instructions and features.

TODO this section will expand with more info.