Supported WASM Features & Proposals

This page documents all the WASM features, APIs and proposals that k23 supports. This list will be revised as time progresses and features are implemented.

Standardized Features

These features have been adopted into the WebAssembly standard and k23 aims to support all applicable features.


These features are proposals for the WebAssembly standard. Many proposals change very frequently and support for them will range from limited to non-existent. Additionally some proposals may not be applicable to k23.


  • ✅: Implemented
  • ❌: Not Implemented
  • ?: The applicability of this feature is unclear, e.g. due to the lack of a detailed proposal.
  • N/A: Not Applicable

WASI Features & Proposals

In addition to the main WASM features, k23 applications will interact with the host through WASM (WebAssembly System Interface) APIs. The following table lists all current proposals and their implementation status.


  • ✅: Implemented
  • ❌: Not Implemented
  • ?: The applicability of this feature is unclear, e.g. due to the lack of a detailed proposal.
  • N/A: Not Applicable