Context Isolation

Context Isolation is a way to intercept and modify Tauri API messages sent by the Frontend before they get to Tauri Core, all with JavaScript. The secure JavaScript code that is injected by the Isolation pattern is referred to as the Isolation application.

This is useful to validate, sanitize, and filter messages sent to the front end before they even enter the Core's secure context.


The Isolation pattern's purpose is to provide a mechanism for developers to help protect their application from unwanted or malicious frontend calls to Tauri Core. The need for the Isolation pattern rose out of threats coming from untrusted content running on the Frontend, a common case for applications with many dependencies. See Security: Threat Models for a list of many sources of threats that an application may see.

The largest threat model described above that the Isolation pattern was designed in mind with was Development Threats. Not only do many frontend build-time tools consist of many dozen (or hundreds) of often deeply-nested dependencies, but a complex application may also have a large amount of (also often deeply-nested) dependencies that are bundled into the final output.


Tauri highly recommends using the isolation patten whenever it can be used. Because the Isolation application intercepts all messages from the Frontend, it can always be used.

We highly suggest that you lock down your application whenever you use external Tauri APIs. As the developer, you can utilize the secure Isolation application to verify IPC inputs make sure they are within some expected parameters. For example, you may want to check that a call to read or write a file is not trying to get to a path outside your application's expected locations.
Another example is making sure that a Tauri API HTTP fetch call is only setting the Origin header to what your application expects it to be.

That said, it intercepts all messages from the Frontend, so it will even work with always-on APIs such as Events. Since some events may cause your rust code to perform actions, the same validation techniques can be used.


An Isolation Application is essentially a just JavaScript file that Tauri will run in a locked-down, isolated environment. You assign a callback to the window.__TAURI_ISOLATION_HOOK__ global property that Tauri will invoke whenever an IPC message is about to be sent.

Because the point of the Isolation application is to protect against Development Threats, we highly recommend keeping your Isolation application as simple as possible.
Fewer dependencies and build steps mean less risk of supply chain attacks against your Isolation application.

Creating the Isolation Application

We will make a small hello-world style Isolation application and hook it up to an imaginary existing Tauri application. It will do no verification of the messages passing through it, only print the contents to the WebView console.

For the purposes of this example, let's imagine we are in the same directory as tauri.conf.json. The existing Tauri application has it's distDir set to ../dist.

Filename: index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Isolation Secure Script</title>
    <script src="index.js"></script>
Listing 1-1: HTML entrypoint responsible for loading the JavaScript.

Filename: index.js

window.__TAURI_ISOLATION_HOOK__ = (payload) => {
  // let's just print payload
  console.log("hook", payload);
  return payload;
Listing 1-2: The main Isolation Application script.

We need to set up our tauri.conf.json configuration to enable Context Isolation.


Let's assume that our main frontend distDir is set to ../dist. We also output the previously created Isolation application to ../dist-isolation.

Filename: tauri.conf.json

  "build": {
    "distDir": "../dist"
  "tauri": {
    "pattern": {
      "use": "isolation",
      "options": {
        "dir": "../dist-isolation"

Digging Deeper

If you want to fully understand how the Context Isolation is implemented, so you can properly secure your application, we go into more detail below.


    participant F as Frontend
    participant H as Isolation Handler
    participant I as Isolation Application
    participant C as Tauri Core

    F-)H: Send Message
    H-)+I: Call the Isolation Application with Message
    I-)-H: Return sanitized Message
    note over H: Automatically encrypt sanitized Message
    H-->>F: Send encrypted, sanitized Message
    F-->>C: Send encrypted, sanitized Message
Figure 1-4: Approximate Steps of an IPC Message​ being sent to Tauri Core with Context Isolation enabled.
  1. When invoke is called, the Message gets sent to the Isolation Application.
  2. Pass the message into the Isolation Application's hook. The Message object has been checked to follow the minimum correct shape.
  3. The return value is used as the new Message. The Isolation Application may have modified Message to help sanitize input.
  4. The sanitized Message is automatically encrypted using AES-GCM using a runtime-generated key and sent to the Frontend.
  5. The encrypted, sanitized message is sent to Tauri Core; which exclusively processes encrypted messages while Context Isolation is enabled.

Performance Implications

Because encryption of the message does occur, this does mean that there are additional overhead costs even if the secure Isolation application doesn't do anything. Most applications should not notice the runtime costs of encrypting/decrypting the IPC messages as they are both relatively small and AES-GCM is relatively fast. If you are unfamiliar with AES-GCM, all that is relative in this context is that it's the only authenticated mode algorithm included in SubtleCrypto and that you probably already use it every day under the hood with TLS.

There is also a cryptographically secure key generated once each time the Tauri application is started. It is not generally noticeable if the system already has enough entropy to immediately return enough random numbers, which is extremely common for desktop environments. If running in a headless environment to perform some [end-to-emd testing with WebDriver] then you may want to install some sort of entropy generating service such as haveged if your operating system does not have one included.

Linux 5.6 (March 2020) now includes entropy generation using speculative execution.


There are a few limitations with Context Isolation due to platform inconsistencies. The most significant limitation is due to external files not loading correctly inside sandboxed iframes on Windows. Because of this, we have implemented a simple script inlining step during build time that takes the content of scripts relative to the Isolation application and injects them inline. This means that typical bundling or simple including of files like <script src="index.js"></script> still works properly, but newer mechanisms such as ES Modules will not successfully load.