System Tray

This guide walks you through adding a tray icon to the systems' notification area. Tray icons have their own context menu.

On macOS and Ubuntu, the Tray will be located on the top right corner of your screen, adjacent to your battery and wifi icons. On Windows, the Tray will usually be located in the bottom right corner.


Add the following to your tauri.conf.json files tauri object:

  "tauri": {
+    "systemTray": {
+      "iconPath": "icons/icon.png",
+      "iconAsTemplate": true
+    }

iconPath must point to a PNG file on macOS and Linux, and a .ico file must exist for Windows support. iconAsTemplate is a boolean value that determines whether the image represents a Template Image on macOS.

Creating a System Tray

To create a native system tray, import the SystemTray type:

use tauri::SystemTray;

and instantiate a new tray:

let tray = SystemTray::new();

Configuring a System Tray Context Menu

Optionally you can add a context menu that is visible when the tray icon is clicked. Import the SystemTrayMenu, SystemTrayMenuItem and CustomMenuItem types:

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTrayMenu, SystemTrayMenuItem};

Create the SystemTrayMenu:

// here `"quit".to_string()` defines the menu item id,
// and the second parameter is the menu item label.
let quit = CustomMenuItem::new("quit".to_string(), "Quit");
let hide = CustomMenuItem::new("hide".to_string(), "Hide");

let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new()

Add the tray menu to the SystemTray instance:

let tray = SystemTray::new().with_menu(tray_menu);

Configure the App System Tray

The created SystemTray instance can be set using the system_tray API on the tauri::Builder struct:

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};

fn main() {
    let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
    let system_tray = SystemTray::new().with_menu(tray_menu);
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

Listening to System Tray Events

Each CustomMenuItem triggers an event when clicked. Also, Tauri emits tray icon click events. Use the on_system_tray_event callback to handle them:

use tauri::Manager;
use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};

fn main() {
    let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
        .on_system_tray_event(|app, event| match event {
            SystemTrayEvent::LeftClick {
                position: _,
                size: _,
            } => {
                println!("system tray received a left click");
            SystemTrayEvent::RightClick {
                position: _,
                size: _,
            } => {
                println!("system tray received a right click");
            SystemTrayEvent::DoubleClick {
                position: _,
                size: _,
            } => {
                println!("system tray received a double click");
            SystemTrayEvent::MenuItemClick { id, .. } => match id.as_str() {
                "quit" => {
                "hide" => {
                    let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
                _ => {}
            _ => {}
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

Updating the System Tray

The AppHandle struct has a tray_handle method, which returns a handle to the system tray, allowing updating tray icon and context menu items: Updating context menu items

use tauri::Manager;
use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};

fn main() {
    let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
        .on_system_tray_event(|app, event| match event {
            SystemTrayEvent::MenuItemClick { id, .. } => {
                // get a handle to the clicked menu item
                // note that `tray_handle` can be called anywhere,
                // just get a `AppHandle` instance
                // with `app.handle()` on the setup hook
                // and move it to another function or thread
                let item_handle = app.tray_handle().get_item(&id);
                match id.as_str() {
                    "hide" => {
                        let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
                        // you can also `set_selected`, `set_enabled`
                        // and `set_native_image` (macOS only).
                    _ => {}
            _ => {}
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

Updating the Tray Icon

Note that tauri::Icon must be a Path variant on Linux, and Raw variant on Windows and macOS.
