macOS Application Distribution

This guide provides information on code signing, notarizing and uploading your app to the Mac App Store.

If you are not utilizing GitHub Actions to perform builds of OSX DMGs, you will need to ensure the environment variable CI is set to true.
For more information refer to tauri-apps/tauri#592.

Code Signing

On macOS Catalina and later Gatekeeper enforces that you must sign and notarize your application. Unsigned software cannot be run, so contrary to Windows Code Signing this is not optional for macOS.

  1. Prerequisites

    This guide assumes you run Windows, either on a physical machine or a Virtual Machine, and that you already have a working Tauri application. You also need Xcode 11 or newer and an Apple Developer account enrolled in the Apple Developer Program.

  2. Get a Code Signing Certificate

    To create a new signing certificate, you must generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file on your Mac computer. Create a certificate signing request describes guides you through creating a CSR.

    Next, open the Certificates, IDs & Profiles page and click on the Add button to open the interface to create a new certificate. Choose the appropriate certificate type (Apple Distribution to submit apps to the App Store, and Developer ID Application to ship apps outside the App Store). Upload your CSR, and the certificate will be created.

    Only the Apple Developer Account Holder can create Developer ID Application certificates. But it can be associated with a different Apple ID by creating a CSR with a different user email address.

  3. Downloading the Certificate

    On Certificates, IDs & Profiles page, click on the certificate you want to use and click the Download button. It saves a .cer file that installs the certificate on the keychain once opened. The name of the keychain entry represents the signing identity, which can also be found by running this command: security find-identity -v -p codesigning.

    A signing certificate is only valid if associated with your Apple ID. An invalid certificate won't be listed on the Keychain Access > My Certificates tab or the security find-identity -v -p codesigning output.

  4. Tauri Configuration

    To have the Tauri bundler sign your application, you need to configure it. This is done by setting a number of environment variables.

    Certificate environment variables

    • APPLE_SIGNING_IDENTITY - this is the signing identity we highlighted earlier. It must be defined to sign apps both locally and on CI machines.

    Additionally, to simplify the code signing process on CI, Tauri can automatically install the certificate on the keychain if you define the APPLE_CERTIFICATE and
    APPLE_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD environment variables.

    1. Open the Keychain Access app and find your certificate's keychain entry.
    2. Expand the entry, double click on the key item, and select Export "$KEYNAME".
    3. Select the path to save the .p12 file and define the exported certificate password.
    4. Convert the .p12 file to base64 running the following script on the terminal: `
      openssl base64 -in /path/to/certificate.p12 -out certificate-base64.txt
    5. Set the contents of the certificate-base64.txt file to the APPLE_CERTIFICATE environment variable.
    6. Set the certificate password to the APPLE_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD environment variable.

    Authentication environment variables

    • APPLE_ID and APPLE_PASSWORD - to authenticate with your Apple ID, set the APPLE_ID to your Apple account email (example: export and the APPLE_PASSWORD to an app-specific password for the Apple account.

    • APPLE_API_ISSUER and APPLE_API_KEY - alternatively, you can authenticate using an App Store Connect API key.
      Open the App Store Connect's Users and Access page, click the Add button and select a name and check Developer Access. The APPLE_API_ISSUER (Issuer ID) is presented above the keys table, and the APPLE_API_KEY is the value of the Key ID column of that table. You also need to download the private key, which can only be done once and is only visible after a page reload (the button is shown on the table row for the newly created key). The private key file must be saved in one of these location ./private_keys, ~/private_keys, ~/.private_keys or ~/.appstoreconnect/private_keys, as stated by xcrun altool --help.

  5. Sign your Application

    Now the Tauri bundler will sign and notarize your application automatically whenever you run tauri build.

    Congratulations! You have successfully signed your Tauri application!

Continous Integration

As the above-described process is rather laborious, most developers run this step as an automated part of their Continous Integration (CI). For users of GitHub Actions Tauri provides the Tauri Action, which simplifies the setup.

Note: The following example assumes you store the secret passwords and tokens using GitHub Secrets.

Filename: .github/workflows/publish.yml

name: "publish"
      - release

      fail-fast: false
        platform: [macos-latest]

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: setup node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 12
      - name: install Rust stable
        uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
          toolchain: stable
      - name: install app dependencies
        run: yarn
      - uses: tauri-apps/tauri-action@v0
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
            ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD }}
            ${{ secrets.APPLE_SIGNING_IDENTITY }}
          APPLE_ID: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ID }}
          APPLE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.APPLE_PASSWORD }}
          tagName: app-v__VERSION__ # the action automatically replaces \_\_VERSION\_\_ with the app version
          releaseName: "App v__VERSION__"
            "See the assets to download this version and install."
          releaseDraft: true
          prerelease: false
Listing 4-TODO: A GitHub Action workflow that builds, signs, notarizes and publishes a Tauri application.

Submit Apps to the Mac App Store

After signing your application, you can now submit it to the Mac App Store. You should make sure your app adheres to Apple's requirements.

macOS Private APIs

If you have tauri.macOSPrivateApi enabled and make use of features like the transparent background or developer tools in production builds, your app can't be submitted to the Mac App Store.


Depending on the features you have enabled, you may need to request additional permissions by creating an entitlements.plist file. Use the tauri.bundle.macos.entitlements property to include the file in your final bundle.

Network access

Enable outgoing network connections to allow your app to connect to a server:


Enable incoming network connections to allow your app to open a network listening socket:
