Inter-Process Communication

We established the general concepts and ideas behind IPC in Background: Inter-Process Communication. This guide teaches you how to put that theory to practice and interact with the IPC system from both JavaScript and Rust.


Events are one-way IPC messages and come in two distinct flavors: Global Events and Window-specific Events. Global events are emitted for application-wide lifecycle events (e.g. update events), while window-specific events are, as the name suggests, emitted for window lifecycle events like resizing, moving, or user-defined events.


At its simplest, a Command is a Rust function that is invoked in response to an incoming IPC request. This function has access to the application state, windows, may take input parameters, and returns data. You can think of them almost like [Serverless Functions] that live in the Tauri Core process and communicate over IPC.

To turn a Rust function into a Command, add #[tauri::command] to the line before fn. This Attribute Macro wraps your function, handles JSON serialization, and injects Special Paramaters.

fn my_custom_command() {
  println!("Hello, world!");

Listing 2-TODO: A regular Rust function turned into a Command by the tauri::command macro.

You can use the invoke() function provided by the @tauri-apps/api package to call Commands from the Frontend. The function requires the Command name and optional parameters and returns a promise that resolves when the Command finished executing:

import { invoke } from "@tauri-apps/api";

await invoke("my_custom_command");
Listing 2-TODO: A command invocation without parameters.


Commands can have parameters, which are defined like regular Rust function parameters. Tauri will reject IPC requests for a command if the argument number, types, or names are invalid.

All parameters must implement serde::Deserialize so the tauri::command macro can correctly parse the incoming IPC request. Standard types such as u8, String or bool are deserializable by default, but you have to derive or manually implement serde::Deserialize for types you defined yourself.

fn my_command(msg: String) {
    println!("I was invoked with this message: {}", msg);
Listing 2-TODO: Simple command accepting only a single parameter.

Special Parameters

Commands that only have access to the parameters passed from the Frontend aren't too helpful, so the tauri::command macro has a couple of tricks up its sleeve. If you specify any of the following types as parameters to your function, they will be automagically injected by the macro.

The tauri::command macro strips Special Parameters from the function signature, so they are invisible to the Frontend as Listing 2-TODO shows.

fn my_command(window: tauri::Window, _app_handle: tauri::AppHandle) {
    println!("I was invoked from window: {}", window.label());
Listing 2-TODO: Special Parameters are invisible to the Frontend.

You can instruct the macro to inject globally managed state by using the tauri::State type. This only works with types that you previously stored in the globaly state with manage(), see the State Management guide for more details.

struct DBConnection(Option<DBClient>);

fn is_connected(connection: State<'_, DBConnection>) -> bool {
    // return true if `connection` holds a `DBClient`

fn main() {
        .setup(|app| {

        .expect("failed to run app");

Listing 2-TODO: Using State to inject global application state in commands.

Note: It's an informal convention that you put Special Parameters before any regular Parameters.

Commands with Return Values

Commands can return values to the Frontend, exactly like regular Rust functions, with one caveat: Return values must be representable as JSON. In Rust we say that the type needs to implement serde::Serialize.

Most standard types such as u8, String or bool already implement serde::Serialize by default and even more complex types such as HashMap<K,V> can be serialized as long as both generic types implement serde::Serialize. For types that you defined yourself you need to either derive the trait or implement it manually.

fn simple_command() -> String {
  "Hello from Rust!".into()

struct Data {
  some_key: String,
  some_other_key: bool,
  more_complex_value: HashMap<String, DataInner>

struct DataInner(Vec<u8>);

fn complex_command() -> Data {
  let mut map = HashMap::default();

  map.insert("first", DataInner(vec![1,2,3,4]));

  Data {
    some_key: "foobar".to_string(),
    some_other_key: true,
    more_complex_value: map,
const msg = invoke("simple_command");

// prints "Hello from Rust!"

const data = invoke("complex_command");

// prints the following:
// {
//  some_key: "foobar",
//  some_other_key: true,
//  more_complex_value: {
//      first: [1,2,3,4]
//  }
// }

Listing 2-TODO: Simple and complex command return values, showing how derive(Serde::Serialize) can be used to return user-defined types.

Error handling

Rust has a standard way to represent failures in functions: The Result<T, E> type. It is an enum with two variants, Ok(T), representing success, and Err(E), representing error.

As you learned earlier Command invocations are represented by a JavaScript promise. By returning a Result from your Command you can directly influence the state of that promise: Returning Ok(T) resolves the promise with the given T, while returning Err rejects the promise with E as the error.

fn failing_command() -> Result<String, String> {
Listing 2-TODO: A Command that always fails.

If you try this using real-world functions, however, you quickly run into a problem: No error type implements serde::Serialize!

use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;

fn read_file() -> Result<String, io::Error> {
    let mut f = File::open("hello.txt")?;
    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut s)?;


Listing 2-TODO: This code does not compile because std::io::Error is not serializable.

You could just use an error type, for example, String like we did in Listing-TODO, but that is not very idiomatic. Instead, we create a custom error type that implements serde::Serialize.
In the following example, we use a crate called thiserror to help create the error type. It allows you to turn enums into error types by deriving the thiserror::Error trait. You can consult its documentation for more details.

// create the error type that represents all errors possible in our program
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
  Io(#[from] std::io::Error)

// we must manually implement serde::Serialize
impl serde::Serialize for Error {
  fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
    S: serde::ser::Serializer,

A custom error type has the advantage of making all possible errors explicit so readers can quickly identify what errors can happen. This saves other people (and yourself) enormous amounts of time when reviewing and refactoring code later.
It also gives you full control over the way your error type gets serialized. In the above example, we simply returned the error message as a string, but you could assign each error a code similar to C.

Async Commands

If your Command spends time waiting for IO - maybe it is reading a file or connecting to a server - it blocks the main process for that duration. This means the window becomes unresponsive, and your app freezes. To avoid this problem Rust has builtin support asynchronous functions through the Future Trait. A familiar concept if you already know about Promise and async/await in JavaScript.

You declare an asynchronous command by writing async fn instead of fn:

async fn async_command() {}

Async Commands are executed on a thread pool using tauri::async_runtime::spawn(), so long-running tasks no longer block the Core's main thread. Because Commands map to JavaScript promises in the Frontend, they also don't block the Frontend's main thread.

To execute non-async, regular Commands on a different thread, define the macro like so: #[tauri::command(async)].

Listing-TODO shows a more complete example that uses the non-blocking tokio::fs::read() function to read a file from disk, convert it to a Utf8 string and parse it into a Vec of lines. It also uses the previously introduced thiserror and serde::Serialize to create a custom Error type.

use std::path::PathBuf;

// A custom error type that represents all possible in our command
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
    #[error("Failed to read file: {0}")]
    Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
    #[error("File is not valid utf8: {0}")]
    Utf8(#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),

// we must also implement serde::Serialize
impl serde::Serialize for Error {
  fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
    S: serde::ser::Serializer,

async fn async_read_lines(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
    // read bytes a non-blocking way
    let bytes = tokio::fs::read(path).await?;

    // convert bytes into utf8 string
    let string = String::from_utf8(bytes)?;

    // splitting at newline characters
    let lines = string
        .map(|line| line.to_string())

Listing 2-TODO: A more complete examples that uses non-blocking APIs to read a file into a Vec of lines.